Transformation of identity and authority of Islamic pedagogy at Wahid Hasyim Islamic boarding school Yogyakarta

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Nur Kholik


Study of a new discourse on symbols of identity and authority in Islamic pedagogy in Pesantren. It starts from the Islamic premise of the inseparable nature of knowledge and the sacred. The characteristics of Islamic pedagogy of Pesantren are represented by the interaction between teachers and students through oral, rote memorization, and a didactic (aural) approach to sacred texts. So the purpose of this study is to find the form and implications of the transformation of Islamic identity and pedagogical authority in the Wahid Hasyim Islamic Boarding School Yogyakarta. For this reason, research data sources come from primary and secondary, both verbally and non-verbally. Everything is analyzed using embodiment theory. Where the results of the study show that the establishment of Islamic knowledge and pedagogy in Islamic boarding schools is constructed based on Kyai's thinking, which considers all sciences, both religious and general, equally important and complementary. So that the identity and authority of Islamic pedagogy are seen in several aspects, namely curriculum, methods, and human resources. The implications that arise are seen in educational, social, and cultural patterns

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