Implementation of moderation values in educational institutions to overcome the carok culture thugs in conflict areas Madura

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Moh. Hafidurrahman
Ach. Shobri
Fitri Nurrohmah


 Instilling the values of Moderation needs to start as early as possible, then gradually people will automatically realize that there is a better and wiser attitude, rather than having to take shortcut decisions, namely one-on-one duels. This research aims to develop moderation values in the educational environment in order to overcome the culture of carok thuggery and then design and implement an educational program that focuses on establishing moderation values. This research is included in the qualitative research category and uses description techniques to explain the deeper significance of reality. Data collection techniques used include interviews, observation, and documentation. In conclusion, cultivating the values of moderation has an important role in creating a harmonious, tolerant, just and peaceful society. By practicing the middle stance, individuals can achieve balance in various aspects of life and avoid destructive extremism. It is hoped that instilling the values of Moderation can become an integral part of individual and community life. This will bring positive changes in building a harmonious, tolerant, just and peaceful society.

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