Elementary school students’ English accomplishment and the role of learning motivation
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The primary purpose of this investigation is to establish whether or not elementary school pupils' levels of intrinsic motivation to learn are correlated with their academic performance. Study participants were treated as if they were samples from a larger quantitative study. This study used a basic random sampling technique to select a sample of 20 participants from a total population of 63. Using a questionnaire to gather information. SPSS 16.0 is used to perform statistical analyses on the data, including mean correlations and calculation of averages. Descriptive quantitative analysis employing Pearson correlation and Cronbach's alpha is employed. results from a questionnaire validity check showing that every statement item passes muster because rcount > rtable. The high value of 0.933 obtained from the Cronbach's alpha test indicates the reliability of the instrument. That's why it's important for teachers to instill in their elementary school kids a love of studying and a hunger for knowledge. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the educator to inspire their pupils to develop an intrinsic motivation to learn English, which will lead to greater levels of engagement and productivity on their part as they work toward mastery of the language.
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