The effects of teaching gist strategy via short stories on students’ reading comprehension
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Reading comprehension issues at SMPN 3 Cibeber prompted this study. Preliminary research in the field revealed numerous challenges in implementing the use of short stories, particularly in reading comprehension, with the majority of pupils still struggling to grasp the text's meaning. Particularly when restating or summarizing written language. These issues stem from students' limited ability to put what they've learned about a text into practice and from the fact that teachers still rely on less effective teaching techniques to foster students' reading comprehension. The researcher's approach to teaching readers how to comprehend short stories involves implementing the GIST strategy via short tale texts. Through the process of creating a summary, students are able to demonstrate their understanding of the short story they are reading. The purpose of this study is to detail how the GIST strategy can be used to enhance students' comprehension of short stories. Class action research, using an in-house book model, is the methodology of choice. For this study, VIIÂ graders from SMPN 3 CIBEBER in Lebak, Banten, participated. Observation sheets, field notes, evaluation rubrics, and supporting paperwork are the primary tools. A quantitative method was utilized for the data analysis.
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