Character Education at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Daarul Ma'arif, Serut, Bantul Yogyakarta, Post Pandemic
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This study is aimed to analyze the implementation of character education at MI Darul Ma'arif Serut Bantul Yogyakarta due to the two-year pandemic. This research is a type of qualitative research through a case study approach with the technique of taking research subjects by purposive sampling based on the results of previous researches. Data collection was conducted by interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out in three ways: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The result shows that the internalization of character education, which was carried out offline or face-to-face learning, could run better. This is influenced by four main factors in students namely, spiritual and emotional development (olah hati), intellectual development (olah pikir), physical and kinesthetic development (olah raga), affective and creativity development (olah rasa). This increase affects the growth of engagement (penghayatan) and habituation which can be seen in the better actions or attitudes of students. Based on this post-pandemic case study, it was found that the misconception of parents to fully hand over the character education recovery process only to the school made it not optimal. Because the implementation of character education learning is mostly done in the family environment than at school.
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