Tiktok The influnce of TikTok on Student English Pronounciation Engish

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Ahmad Mauludi


The purpose of this research is to determine whether or not the use of TikTok is effective in assisting language learners in enhancing their pronunciation skills. The experimental method is used, and only a pre-test and post-test design is used for the research. The research sample was made up of 30 ninth-grade MTS Al-Rahmah Walantaka students who were picked at random to meet the researcher's needs. The study's results can be seen in the ttable distribution at the significance level = 0.05 with (n-1) = 29, the price of ttable= 1.699, and the tcount test results = 40.941. So, since tcount is larger than ttable, Ho is not true. People can be warned that TikTok (x Ì…= 70,83, s = 9,476) has a bigger effect on pronunciation than not using TikTok (x Ì…= 40,83, s = 8,518) when learning English. Based on the results of this study, it seems that using TikTok is better for learning English pronunciation than not using TikTok.

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