Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) Model Integrated with Islamic Education for Early Childhood Social Development at BA Aisiyah Pacitan

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Ismail Ismail


Learning using the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model, a learning method that integrates the experiences and interests of students, learning activities will be very effective if adjusted to the knowledge and experience that has been experienced. So the concept of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning relates learning materials to the daily life of students or the environment. As such, the theory of constructivism is the basic principle of the theory put forward by Vygotsky, in that theory he says that the cognitive development of early childhood is strongly influenced by the environment around them. Without social influence, children cannot develop their cognitive abilities. Islam itself explains that humans have the nature to be perfect beings in the sense of being physically, spiritually and intellectually perfect, in essence being created to be human beings, namely creatures who are not only physically perfect but exist. also spiritual and intellectual elements, but Islam provides an exception for this superior potential, the development process is strongly influenced by the environment. The application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model with Islamic values ​​education to shape the character of early childhood in BA Aisyah, Pacitan Regency is concluded in accordance with the concept of contextual teaching learning, namely learning that emphasizes students to be fully involved in connecting with real life from the material studied with the main principles of learning and doing.

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