Role of Positive Emotions in Islamic Education Learning of Neurosycal Perspective

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Syamsul Arifin


This article is motivated by Islamic Education Learning which so far has not been maximal in giving serious attention to the role of positive emotions from a neuroscience perspective, even though this is very important in maximizing brain function in order to improve the learning system in Islamic Education. This study aims to analyze the role of positive emotions in neuroscience-based Islamic education learning. Positive emotions are feelings of turmoil that can develop or vice versa, can change in a short time and are psychological and physiological reactions such as; subjective joy, sadness, love, courage. The research method in this article is qualitative in the form of a literature study. Sources of data in this study are scientific articles, books, journals and literature. Data collection techniques are carried out by tracing library sources both manually and digitally. The results of this study indicate that positive emotions have an important role in Islamic Education learning, Positive Emotions from a neuroscience perspective correlate significantly in creating the achievement of effective Islamic Education learning objectives.

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How to Cite
Arifin, S. (2022). Role of Positive Emotions in Islamic Education Learning of Neurosycal Perspective. At-Tajdid: Jurnal Ilmu Tarbiyah, 11(1), 26–34.


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