Tataran Mendidik Dalam Kitab Riyadus Salihin Jilid 2

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Aris Setyawan
Waharjani Waharjani


Childhood is an effective time in shaping the child's personality. This period of development methods in educating the child plays a role in the character formation. Children education method in the Qur'an there are five methods namely al-Qudwah, al-'A<dah, al-Mau'iz{ah, al-Mula>h{ad{ah and al-'Uqu>bah. Prophet Muhammad SAW has taught how to educate the right child described in the complete hadis{in the book of Riya>d{us{ S{a>lih{in. All hadis{'s exposure about children's education conclude that an educator should have a personality that was modeled by the prophet. For examples, the personality of the Prophet Muhammad SAW is not hopeless, has a personality that can be an example for his community, can give understanding, can make the child accustomed to doing good, able to give good advice and give educational punishment.

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How to Cite
Setyawan, A., & Waharjani, W. (2020). Tataran Mendidik Dalam Kitab Riyadus Salihin Jilid 2. At-Tajdid: Jurnal Ilmu Tarbiyah, 9(1), 49–64. Retrieved from


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