Pendidikan Berbasis Multiple Intelligences di SDIT Insan Mandiri Jakarta

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Maemunah Maemunah
Ahmad Buchori Muslim


The big conclusion of this research is that more respect for various kinds of intelligence of students, can improve the quality of education, because it emphasizes the process not only on input or output.

This study supports the opinion of Howard Gardner (1983) in the theory of Multiple Intelligence, Linda Campbell & Bruce Campbell (1999), Thomas R. Hoerr (2000), Thomas Armstong (2009), MunifChatib (2009), concerning the theory of Multiple Intelligences and application of theory in the world of education. And supports the theory of Edward Sallis (2002), in his book on the quality of education.

This study disagrees with Stanfrod Binet, which only measures a person's intelligence in a certain scale that focuses on the ability of the realm of language and the realm of logic. If someone is clever in both domains, it can be stated that the IQ level is high.

This study shows that quality education is education that emphasizes the process, not only emphasizes the input and output. Emphasis on the process, can support students in developing the Multiple Intelligences they have. With multiple intelligence education the learning atmosphere is more fun and the output produced will be of quality so that it can develop the quality of education.

The main source of this research is SDIT InsanMandiri Jakarta, which has implemented Multiple Intelligences in its schools. Data collection is done through observations, as well as documentation and interviews with school principals and teachers and staff in the school. Secondary sources are taken from books, scientific journals and the literature of experts in their fields that support this research.

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