Meningkatkan Layanan Pendidikan Yang Berkualitas Dan Mandiri Menuju Era Globalisasi
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Quality and independently on education in the form of ability, stand alone and services, quality of education can point to the quality of the process and the quality of results (products). An education can be qualified in terms of the process if the learning process is most effective, and learners experience the learning process meaningful (meaningful learning) also acquire the knowledge that is useful both for themselves and for others (functional knowledge) which is supported appropriately by resources (human, financial, infrastructure and facilities). Quality of education services is a guarantee that the process of education adjusted with was supposed to happen and also in line with the expected quality of education so that it corresponds with what is supposed to be and what to expect which is used as the ceiling (benchmark). Factors causing low quality of education is the process of providing educational services is still far from expectations. On the one hand, the provision of education services have yet to find the most appropriate way, the rapid development of science and technology as well as increasing the life of the community has been the increasing demands of social life as education customers. Quality assurance of education determine and convey what is promoted to consumers, more than it has been started to improve the process of determining what customers want to design quality products and processes using the quality function deployment (Quality Function Development). If the quality is specified as customer satisfaction then the product will follow the expected quality through the process of serving customers, the quality education services are very important for consumers to obtain the service satisfaction of educational services provided by schools, for users and society as a customer of educational services put expectations greatly to the school in order to anticipate and respond to the challenges of life in the days to come, especially to improve the quality of education has been achieved not encouraging. The quality of education is closely linked to the educational process. Without the process of quality education services not obtainable product quality services, in other words there will be no customer satisfaction (the users and the public)
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