Pendidikan Akhlak Perspektif Al-Ghazali

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Baqiyatus Sholehah
Abd Hamid Wahid
Chusnul Muali


This paper presents a description of moral education in the view of Al-Ghazali. Includes in it about his biography and his thoughts on moral education. Moral is not just an act, not just the ability to do, and also not knowledge. However, morals are an effort to integrate itself with a situation of the soul that is ready to bring up the actions, and the situation must be inherent in such a way that the actions that emerge from it are not a moment, but become a habit in everyday life. It's just that today many challenges that can lead to moral destruction of Muslims. Therefore, Muslims should understand correctly and apply the essence of moral education in accordance with the teachings of Islam. The relationship between education and morals is very intimate, because the most perfect human is the best human morality, Al-Ghazali said morality is not a knowledge of good and evil nor nature for good and bad, nor good practice and ugly, but a state of the soul that is steady. Therefore, Muslims should understand correctly and apply the essence of moral education in accordance with the teachings of Islam.

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