Membangun Parenting Trust Sebagai Eksistensi Sekolah Unggul di Lingkungan Sekolah Berbasis Masyarakat (Studi : SMA Ulul Alb@b Taman Kabupaten Sidoarjo)

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M. Asif Nur Fauzi


Many polemics that currently occur parents send their children to study in a full day schoolby the reason that both parents work until late so that the understanding of the development of children in school is often disregarded and entrusted to the school. The process of building the Parenting Trust is expected to be able to organize the involvement of parent in the development of students in school. The benefits of Parenting trusts for community-based schools are the stability of the number of learners and the development process of learners can be developed together and program planning in the next year can be created and designed together with parents. But there is a phenomenon of cognitive value assumption is more important than other values. So it needs to increase communication between parents and school.

The role of parents communication required by school as an evaluation material either in the field of information transparency orfinance, and accountability of attitude change, character enhancement, and self-development of learners so that the process of building Parenting Trust is very important to be done by schools to keep the existence of superior private school each year. Based on problems above indicate that the existence of new formulas is related to the description of superior schools in community-based schools. The purpose of this study is to illustrate the new formula for the realization of the existence of a community-based superior school. The results of research conducted in one of the community-based schools are the existence of new formulas regarding the existence of parenting trust and school promotion, parenting trust and attitude and behavior change, parenting trust and self-development.

Based on the superior school standard above shows that the role of building a parenting trust is very important to be applied because the conditions between school and home should be in sync. The presence of monitoring,and evaluation shows the involvement of parents in developing students / or children is not only cognitive but also the children's sociality in the neighborhood is in harmony.

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