Practice analysis of buy and sell of chicken meat in Mojorejo village's market Kebonsari district Madiun Regency reviewed from islamic law persception

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Subkhan Alimuddin


The purpose of the study was to determine the review of Islamic law on
the sale and purchase contract of chicken meat which includes ‘aqid,
object (chicken slaughter process), sighah. And how to weigh chicken
meat at the market in Mojorejo Village, Kebonsari District, Madiun
Regency. This research uses field research using a qualitative approach,
with the aim of understanding what data is needed in research and data
analysis activities including data reduction, data display and conclusions.
The data is processed by the author by using editing, organizing, and
research findings. The theory used is slaughter, buying and selling, and
weighing. The results of the study concluded that the sale and purchase
contracts were carried out by several legitimate traders in accordance with
the terms and pillars of sale and purchase, while two of them did not meet
the requirements and pillars of sale and purchase so that the sale and
purchase contract was invalid. Weighing of chicken meat is also carried
out honestly and legally according to Islamic law, as well as in the object
of the sale and purchase, namely the practice of slaughtering chickens
carried out by Mr. Setu and Mr. Anto in accordance with the terms and
pillars of slaughter, while that which is carried out by Mr. Heri is not
appropriate because of the slaughter wound. only on the skin and the
presence of dead chickens being slaughtered. while what was done by Mr.
Heri is not legal according to Islamic law because there is an element of
fraud so that from both parties there are losses.

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How to Cite
Alimuddin, S. (2022). Practice analysis of buy and sell of chicken meat in Mojorejo village’s market Kebonsari district Madiun Regency reviewed from islamic law persception. Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies, 1(2), 74–79. Retrieved from


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