Religious tolerance: Kyai Bisri Mustofa perspective in tafsir AlIbriz

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Mokhamad Choirul Hudha


Discussion about religious tolerance theme is always interesting and
attracted attention many people, including researcher and clergy. In the
same contexts religious holy books including Al-Qur’an narrate the
important of building religious tolerance. In narrative Al-Qur'an still
global, so it takes interpretation to explain more detail the meaning
contained in it. However, the existing of texts interpretation are
dominated by influence of arabic reason which seems rigid on this aspect.
It's interesting to see how to read conducted by Kyai Bisri Mustofa as
mufassir who born and develop in Javanese culture to verses of religious
tolerance theme in al-Ibrīz interpretation. This study is library research
used al-Ibrīz texts interpretation by Kyai Bisri Mustofa as primary source
and books with tolerance theme as secondary source. Discussion method
in this study is descriptively used hermeneutic theory analysis by HansGeorg Gadamer. Results of this study show that religious tolerance
construntion in al-Ibrīz interpretation sourced and formed as results of
dialectic between relugious texts (intertextual) and Javanese culture,
especially in the coast (extratextual). This dialectic continues to process
and forms interpretation patterns of al-Ibrīz. In this process there are two
model diversity attitudes are also classified, first exclusive-active
attitudes are diversity attitudes who tend to think only religion embrace
is the true but also encourages its adherents to maintain good relations,
harmony, take care of each other, and do good with others religions
adherents. Generally, occurs in verses discuss about mu'amalah/worldly
things, such as food. Second, exclusive-passive consider only religion
embrace is the true without cooperation action, generally it's about aqidah
such as hell's punishment for unbelievers.

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How to Cite
Hudha, M. C. (2022). Religious tolerance: Kyai Bisri Mustofa perspective in tafsir AlIbriz. Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies, 1(2), 62–73. Retrieved from


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