Women and its contribution in education era of 4.0 reviewed from Islamic perspective

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Eka Danik Prahastiwi
Sugiyono Sugiyono


This study conducted with the purpose to know women contribution in
education in 4.0 era from perspective Islam. This study is literature
review oriented to script, book, document, and newspaper which are
related with digital literacy and education. Result of this study show that
there are opportunity and challenges the role of women in revolution era
4.0. reviewed from. The opportunity is women can used internet as source
of education for their child, while the challenge is negative content on
internet. Reviewed from Islamic perception, women has important role as
first madrasa for their children, so women must be wise in selecting
internet content appropriate for children. It would be better if the use of
internet is done by using it for positive and religious things

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How to Cite
Prahastiwi, E. D., & Sugiyono, S. (2022). Women and its contribution in education era of 4.0 reviewed from Islamic perspective. Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies, 1(2), 50–55. Retrieved from https://ejournal.isimupacitan.ac.id/index.php/JIIS/article/view/286


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