Actualization of the meaning cleanliness is half of faith in improving environmental health through the waste bank program

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Diah Wahyuningsih
Happy Agustiani
Ezif Rizqi Imtihana


Rapid growth is considered to be the main reason for the amount of waste.
The Waste Bank Program is one of the ways to manage waste and
minimize its presence in the environment. The purpose of this study was
to analyze the actualization of the meaning of the hadith about cleanliness
as part of the faith through the waste bank. This research method uses a
descriptive method through a survey. Based on this research, the Waste
Bank is one of the solutions to help deal with waste management in
Indonesia. The concept of a waste bank is a form of actualizing the
meaning of cleanliness as part of faith. Waste Banks are one of the
efficient alternative solutions in improving environmental health as an
actualization of the meaning of Islamic teachings.

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How to Cite
Wahyuningsih, D., Agustiani, H., & Imtihana, E. R. (2022). Actualization of the meaning cleanliness is half of faith in improving environmental health through the waste bank program. Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies, 1(2), 44–49. Retrieved from


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