Essence of transformative rituals: the Qalbun Salim tradition (analysis informative-performative Sam D. Gill)

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Amilatu Sholihah


This article discusses about Qalbun Salim tradition as a form of transformative ritual. Research purposes focus on three aspects of the discussion: (1) the meaning of Qolbun Salim, (2) background of Qalbun Salim tradition (3) informative-performative explaining about Qalbun Salim tradition as transformative ritual. This study is field research, using qualitative methods and informative-performative approach of Sam D. Gill. Results of this study indicate that (1) Qalbun Salim is tradition of  Ngabar and Demangan villagers by practicing wirid, thayyibah and completing Qur'an with the aim of getting closer to Allah SWT so it hope will be easier for the way to heaven. (2) Qolbun Salim is tradition with the aim of making easy for someone to heaven by practicing wirid Dzikrul Ghafilin. (3) Qalbun Salim tradition is part of transformative ritual where the ritual carried out to change person's spiritual, physical, and mental condition which is prescriptive. On the other hand, Qalbun Salim also contains information about typological aspects function of Qur'an, namely informative and performative functions of the Qur'an. Informative aspect is when the Qalbun Salim tradition perceives the wirid practice of Dzikrul Ghafilin and positions it as provider of information to its readers, either in the form of hudan or others. While performative aspect is when the practice of wirid Dzikrul Ghafilin perceived as something that is 'treated' in the form of the Qalbun Salim tradition

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How to Cite
Sholihah, A. (2022). Essence of transformative rituals: the Qalbun Salim tradition (analysis informative-performative Sam D. Gill). Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies, 1(1), 30–37. Retrieved from


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