Islamic values on the Baritan traditional ceremony in Gawang village, Pacitan

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Ezif Rizqi Imtihana
Sanjaka Yekti
Dian Tias Aorta
Happy Agustiani


This study conducted with the purpose to know: 1) Islamic values of Baritan traditional ceremony, 2) applied Islamic values of Baritan traditional ceremony in daily life. This study is descriptive with qualitative approach using observation, interview, documentation and questionnaire as data collected. Technique of data analysis used three steps based on Miles and Huberman, involving: data reduction, data display and drawing conclusion/verification. The results showed that Baritan traditional ceremony contains Islamic value, there are: sedekah and sholawat. These Islamic values have been applied by society of Gawang village in their daily life with the category sometimes (25%) for sedekah and always (35%) for sholawat

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How to Cite
Imtihana, E. R., Yekti, S., Aorta, D. T., & Agustiani, H. (2022). Islamic values on the Baritan traditional ceremony in Gawang village, Pacitan. Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies, 1(1), 17–23. Retrieved from


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