Islamophobia and conspiracy against muslim during covid-19 outbreak in India

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Hussein Saadi Mohammad Ali
Yuli Rahmawati Mutiah


Islamophobia in India is nothing new. Muslims in India have experienced violence and crime by India's majority religious group, namely Hindus, since the partition in 1947. Discrimination against Muslims in India has become a common occurrence. Even Muslims became scapegoats for the spread of Covid-19 in India after the incident of disbanding Tablighi Jamaat activities at the Nizamuddin Markaz in New Delhi in March 2020. The government's involvement in the spread of Islamophobia is increasingly seen from the absence of legal action against what is done by the majority group against Muslims who are a religious minority group in India. Research Objectives: to examine the existence of a conspiracy and involvement of the Indian government in the spread of Islamophobia in India. They accuse Muslims of being the spreaders of the Covid-19 virus in India. This research is a qualitative research as the method in collecting data. The data collection technique used was documentation method. The conclusion of this study is the discovery of a conspiracy played by the Indian government and right-wing Hindu nationalist organizations in the spread of Islamophobia in India by issuing accusations and false news about Muslims as the source of the spread of the Covid-19 virus

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How to Cite
Mohammad Ali, H. S., & Mutiah, Y. R. (2022). Islamophobia and conspiracy against muslim during covid-19 outbreak in India. Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies, 1(1), 9–16. Retrieved from


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