Lexeme of verbs 'walk' (masyā) in dictionary al-maknaz al- kabīr by Aḥmad Mukhtar Umar review of component meaning

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Nurul Aini
Itsnaini Muslimati Alwi
Khoeron Khoeron
Sitta Muflihah
Sugeng Riyadi


This research discusses about lexemes member class of verb 'walk' in Arabic. The purpose of this research is to (1) identify lexemes in class of verb 'walk' in Arabic, (2) identifying semantic features contained in each group that are members of lexeme verb 'walk' in Arabic, (3) explore the meaning of partnership members form the verb ‘walk’ in Arabic. The method in this research are methods simak to techniques of observation bebas libat cakap. Data was obtained from Mu'jam Al-Maknaz Al-Kabīr by Ahmad Mukhtar Umar. The results of the analysis are presented with the usual words and tables. As for the results of this research show that there were at least 39 lexemes which is a member of the group the verb 'walk’ in Arabic. From the results of the analysis carried out, the meaning overall lexemes grouped into five components of meaning or semantic features, those are; feature of manner, feature of purpose, feature of time, features of speed, and feature of media. The relation of meaning in this research is hypernimy-hyponimy, and synonimy

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How to Cite
Aini, N., Alwi, I. M., Khoeron, K., Muflihah, S., & Riyadi, S. (2022). Lexeme of verbs ’walk’ (masyā) in dictionary al-maknaz al- kabÄ«r by Aḥmad Mukhtar Umar review of component meaning. Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies, 1(1), 1–8. Retrieved from https://ejournal.isimupacitan.ac.id/index.php/JIIS/article/view/247


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