Towards a new wisdom: Innovative approach to Arabic language education to strengthen Islamic studies literacy in modern Islamic boarding schools

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Ahmadi Ahmadi
Muhammad Muchlish Huda


This article discusses the innovative approach to Arabic language education to strengthen Islamic studies literacy in modern Islamic boarding schools. The article explains the concept of Arabic language education, Islamic studies literacy, and innovative approach in Arabic language education. The article also discusses the implementation of innovative approach in Arabic language education in modern Islamic boarding schools, such as the use of interactive learning media, intensive Arabic language courses, and student exchange programs with other Islamic boarding schools abroad. By adopting innovative approach in Arabic language education, Islamic boarding schools can produce graduates who have good Arabic language skills and are able to understand Islamic studies literature well.

The article also highlights the importance of Islamic studies literacy in modern Islamic boarding schools and the role of Arabic language education in developing this literacy. The article suggests that effective Arabic language education can help strengthen Islamic studies literacy by focusing on the understanding of religious texts and communication skills in Arabic. The article uses descriptive qualitative research method to provide a clear understanding of the innovative approach used in Arabic language education in modern Islamic boarding schools. By strengthening Islamic studies literacy in modern Islamic boarding schools, it is hoped that graduates will have a deep understanding of Islamic studies, be able to apply religious values in daily life, and contribute positively to society.

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How to Cite
Ahmadi, A., & Huda , M. M. . (2023). Towards a new wisdom: Innovative approach to Arabic language education to strengthen Islamic studies literacy in modern Islamic boarding schools. Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies, 2(1), 8–16. Retrieved from


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